Abstract Paintings
This is where I’ll sound odd , odder than usual …
I always wanted to be a painter. In museums, I can be seriously envious.
So much as I have tried, I just cannot draw or paint and that is a capitol N-O-T .
It’s really why I took photography, my way of painting.
One of my teachers, Ralph Gibson discouraged me from studying other photographers and photographs to learn the craft of photography
He said photography is a young art, go instead to the painters they’ve been struggling with all the pictorial issues we need to resolve for 5 centuries in order to arrive.
Picasso died in bed at 93 still drawing late into his last night.
Still trying to figure it out.
So I know what Ralph said, had the ring of truth .
So that is me, in the ballroom of museums, like a child learning to dance, and I put my novice feet on the feet of the masters, learning the rhythms of art, waiting to step off and dance on my own .
But one day in the ballroom, my eyes caught the The De Stijl school of painters, especially Theo von Doesburgs’ painting Rhythm of a Russian Dance down of course to Mondrian, and the Italians Luigi Veronesi, Mauro Reggiani, and my favorite, Adriana……….
When I saw these abstract geometric paintings, I decided maybe I could paint ,
Maybe these paintings were my get out of jail card, yes that one, the jail of doubt .
These paintings are my way to Park Avenue.