Under Old Stars: Wanderings in Italian Hill Towns
Mauro Marinelli and Rob Lloyd
Through black and white images and prose sketches you discover a world largely lost today, among people deeply at home with their old ways, in remote hill towns in south-central Italy. Mauro Marinelli’s stark, yet lyrical, photographs reveal the beauty and wonder in small things – a foot on the stair, sunlight on a wall, the flower pot atop a confessional. His unsentimental and intriguing portraits invite us deep into the lives of people time forgot. Rob Lloyd’s sensual and meditative prose sketches include historical reveries, street scenes, snippets of overheard conversations, and private moments, real and imagined. His vignettes of village life stand both apart from and together with photographs to provide a dreamscape of a disappearing past.
96 images in black & white. 128 pages. Hardcover.
Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag. November 2016.
ISBN 978-3-86828-705-9 / EUR 35,00 / US$ 40.00